Nawaz Shrif America Visit a Faliure for Pakistan

Bankim Chandra
1 minute read
The Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif with His wife Kalsoom Nawaz Sharif and daughter Mariam Safdarwalked out of the white house with smiling faces but disappointed heart.

There are multiple failures of this Trip

  1. While Nawaz Sharif was addressing US Institute of Peace a Baloch Protester started shouting "free Balochistan", "stop war crimes in Balochistan", You are Bin Ladens Friend.
  2. Pakistan was expecting America to offer the same value as India and support Pakistan in strengthening its so called Civil Nuclear Requirement.The United States of America
  3. Nawaz Sharrif was able to secure a yes for 8 F 16 Planes but the delivery of these Fighter Jets will be done after a Critical Evaluation by Congress and Allied Agencies.
  4. The Growing stockpile of Nuclear Warheads is a big concern for USA. Nawaz accused India as a big Weapon Importer and to protect Pakistan from India they are building the Nuclear Stockpile.
  5. Also there has been a big Disappointment in Pakistan after seeing such a disappointing visit of Nawaz Sharrif
  6. Nawaz Shariff was shown Free Balochistan and Go Nawaz Go Placards at many location's
  7. As per New York Times . US is constantly but secretly trying to limit the Pakistan's Nuclear Arsenal.

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