How to remove the scrollbar from zoho forms. (SOLVED)

Bankim Chandra
1 minute read

 Zoho has been a well known crm and its additional products like zoho forms are also very popular. However sometimes the support seems to take years to resolve simple issue.

Being a zoho customer for over 5 years i have faced two problems.

Removing the scrollbar from zoho form embed. (Resolved)

Getting the referral page with submission information. It stopped working on one fine day and when i contacted zoho support they said that google chrome came up with changes. The strange thing is that the another crm of mine hubspot was working with the same feature without any issue.(Not resolved)

Lets look at the code that will help you to remove the scroll bar.

I have removed my form url and just placed ####

You can replace #### with your form url.

<iframe style="height: 700px; width: 99%; border: none;" scrolling="no"src="####" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Hope this helps.

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